Marketing Trends for the Future: Z-Square Technology attends FutureM

Boston, MA October 26, 2012—The much anticipated FutureM conference, took place October 23-26 around Boston’s acclaimed landmarks. Providing four days of marketing innovation, with more than 100 speakers and 75 seminars, FutureM is known for its organized events, anticipated product launches and content rich seminars. To equip Z-Square Technology’s marketing team with cutting-edge marketing information, Z-Square’s Marketing Specialist, Ms. Veronica Rousseau participated in various session of the FutureM conference.


Ideas and networking opportunities were in full force all week long as FutureM took place in three locations around Boston; Hynes Convention Center, Fidelity Center for Applied Technology, and Microsoft New England Research and Development Center. Seminars included “The New Digital Marketplace”, “How Will the Class of 2016 Change the World of Marketing?” and “Debating Technology’s Role in Effective Marketing”. Panel discussions, roundtables, and debates kept the conversation interesting, engaging those who preferred to offer their creative perspectives. To engage the young minds of the Millennials, FutureM teamed up with influencers@ to create Student Thought Leaders and “Mbassadors”; marketing oriented students from various Boston colleges. These thought leaders brought a new perspective and supported the growth of fresh, inventive concepts where they would spread the word about FutureM to their respective schools.


Ms. Rousseau attended several events and seminars and noted the advancement in the field of marketing. “FutureM is always an exciting time in Boston. As this week was also Innovation Week here, the atmosphere was filled with promising leads for the future and trends that would arise within the coming year. During Opening Night, Governor Deval Patrick filled the room with a shared form of respect and gratitude as Massachusetts has recently been ranked #1 in Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Student Competitive, and many more categories. For Z-Square this gives us a great insight to stay ahead of the curve and a boost for interacting with the resources around us. An advantage only found in here.”


About FutureM
FutureM was started in 2010 by the Massachusetts Innovation and Technology Exchange (MITX) with the support of Brian Halligan (CEO of HubSpot) and David Meerman Scott in an effort to boost and circulate though and leadership ideas for marketing and technology innovation. Integrating traditional marketing, digital marketing, R&D, product development and all other parts of an organization that impact customer engagement and purchasing decisions.


About Z-Square Technology
Z-Square Technology is a leading security technology management systems provider. Enabling organizations to better develop their electronic products and integrate different hardware and software in a faster and more cost-effective manner. Z-Square Technology provides complete consultancy, software and hardware development through already tested processes and hardware integration, while at the same time offering customized solution development support for unique performance in a competitive market.